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The Chronic Illness Coach Podcast

The Chronic Illness Coach Podcast

With Alex Morris

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Alex Morris, Founder

The Chronic Illness Coach Podcast is the only podcast that challenges listeners to believe that all chronic illnesses can be put into remission. 


It is unapologetically controversial by challenging misinformation, myth busting and questioning the status quo. 

"Inspirational, informative, incredible! - What a fantastic podcast. Whether you have a chronic illness, know somebody who lives with a chronic condition or even if none of the above apply, this is a fantastic listen from a truly inspiring young lady. Alex provides an open, honest and insightful journey into life with a condition and all that goes with it. I’d highly recommend this podcast to anyone and everyone. Thank you Alex."

"Alex has a wise head on young shoulders. A result of her lived experiences with chronic illness. Alex presents in a calm, reassuring, personable way. She is easy to listen to and speaks articulately. She is clearly a brave young woman and the topics she covers are a testament to this. Alex’ passion to help others ,by sharing her own story, comes across strongly. I hope that by listening to Alex, many people benefit, learn and have their perspective affirmed, challenged or changed."

"Truly amazing! - What a truly amazing and awe inspiring podcast Alex has created and presented in order to help others on their journey. Coming straight from the heart, friendly and professional in equal measures. Would certainly recommend this podcast to anyone struggling and also to their family and friends to help them further understand."

"Love the positivity! - Alex is an incredible host with a very calm demeanour and positive lens, so I wasn’t surprised when she brought on a guest to discuss positive psychology. The message that you can have a fulfilling life and manage chronic illness (or mitigate) is very empowering, even if you’re just looking for an uplifting message for living with your all!"

"Inspirational - This podcast is so helpful whatever your journey, May it be chronic illness or just dealing with everyday problems that we all deal with on a daily basis. The strategies Alex uses can be used to help with various hurdles in our life. Her own experiences and positive attitude towards life is inspirational. I look forward to more from Alex.

My Topics

Personal stories

Scientific & medical research

Top tips & coping strategies

Alternative therapies

Alex Morris Founder

My Audience

The Chronic Illness Coach Podcast is for anyone living with a chronic illness who wants to put their illness into remission. 


If you are eager to learn more about your own health, are excited by groundbreaking research or fascinated by the possibilities of alternative ways of healing then this podcast is for you!


If you love and support, work with or employ anyone living with a chronic illness then you too will reap the rewards of listening to The Chronic Illness Coach Podcast.

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The Chronic IIlness Coach book recommendations

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My Mission

My mission is to engage, educate and empower those living with a chronic illness who want to change their life for the better. I am determined to change perceptions of living with a chronic illness by creating a movement that focuses on the root cause of disease, prioritises a preventative approach and is dedicated to putting all chronic illnesses into remission.


Join me as I share my journey of living with a chronic illness and work with expert guests to break down complex niches of health, science and wellness. 

The Chronic Illness Coach Podcast
The Chronic Illness Coach Podcast
The Chronic Illness Coach Podcast

My Guests

Are you at the forefront of the health, wellness, medical or scientific field?


Are you working in research and development in holistic, integrative and functional medicine?


Could you bring a new outlook and alternative perspectives to the podcast? 


If so I would love to hear from you and so would my listeners!

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